Bill Anderson

Math UPPER School

Bill resides in Camden, Maine with his wife, Nancy, two dogs (Baere and Cooper) and a cat, Peeve. A native of Camden, he learned early on about the richness of this part of the world and all that it offered and continues to offer in its resources, opportunities, and people. After time away during the late sixties and early seventies, Bill returned with Nancy to put down his roots, raise a family and go to work in a variety of occupations.

As a special educator, Bill has worked at all levels in public schools. He began with grades 7-9 in Clearfield, PA followed by a K-8 experience in Nobleboro, ME. Most recently Bill was on the staff of Camden Hills Regional High School where he taught for 17 years. During the in-between years while working in the manufacturing and publishing industries and helping raise three children, Bill was also a math tutor and school board member.

Bill’s goal as a teacher continues to be to help students discover and develop their abilities and interests, to become the best learners they can in the moment, and to learn how to compensate for what they don’t do so well. He feels that it is important for students to embrace all that comes at them…even the tough stuff. From his own years of experience, Bill knows that the best learning often comes from dealing with challenges…and to view them as an opportunity for growth. Bill is well aware that success begets success, and from that comes confidence and fulfillment and the chance for a life rich with experience, quality relationships, and wondrous learning. Over time, the excitement for Bill has been to watch the growth in young people he has worked with…to see how they’ve become, often ending up being successful in ways unimagined.

Bill is looking forward to working with Riley students, families and staff and, as he is known to say, “finding ways to make it work.”